Guided Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer Guided Exercise
- Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name
- Talk to God about your relationship with Him as His child. How do you feel about calling Him your Father?
- Talk to God about ways He has acted as your good Father.
- Ask God how He feels about you as His child.
- Imagine your anxieties, and insecurities. How are they interacting with your beliefs about your Father?
- Talk with God about the spiritual family you have.
- Pray about what God is like. His power. His goodness. His Holiness.
- Ask God about how you are doing representing His name.
- Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven
- Ask God to help you seek His kingdom in your thoughts. In your desires. In your actions.
- Admit areas where you are seeking your own kingdom and will over His. Ask Him to change your motivation.
- Pray about how you can participate in His kingdom and will.
- Pray for those in your life who are not in God’s kingdom.
- Ask for God to reach them.
- Give us this day our daily bread
- Consider your need and worries. Tell God what’s on your heart.
- What do you need to faithfully live in God’s kingdom? Ask God for that.
- Who in your life doesn’t have what they need? Ask God to show you how you can help them.
- What areas of your life are you living in excess? Ask God to show you what is really necessary for you to spend on yourself. Ask for help being content.
- Thank God for everything He has given you.
- Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors
- What is hard about asking for forgiveness? Talk to God about it.
- Are there sins in your life you have become comfortable with?
- Ask God to search you and show you areas you need to repent of.
- Pray for forgiveness. Talk with God about the ways that it’s hard for you to live for Him. Ask for His help.
- Receive God’s grace. Thank Him for already paying for the cost of your sin through Jesus. Talk about how you feel about Jesus’ death and resurrection.
- Who in your life might you need to forgive? Why is it hard to forgive them?
- Pray for them. Ask for God’s help.
- Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
- What temptations do you know are a problem for you? Ask for God’s strength.
- How can you be more alert for temptation? Ask God to help you.
- Remember that God is stronger than Satan. Ask God to help you overcome what Satan wants to do in your life.
Video: Don’t Waste Your Life!
Pastoral Intern Mark Kwong
Video: This weekend Youth Service
Prayers for the In-Between. James 5:13-20.
Video: What Belongs to Me?
Video: Weekend Service
Video: Weekend Service
James 4:11-12. The Subtle Sin of Slander.
Video: Disunity in God’s Family
Video: 5.24 Youth Service
Video: Weekend Service
This Sunday we have a joint message with ACW, with a special mother’s day video. Pastor Elliott teaches the message from James 2 on understanding the ways we show favoritism, and how God’s Word challenges us to live differently. Watch it with the whole family!
Bonus video! Here’s a quick update from Pastor Darryl for our entire church.
Video: How to Beat Temptation
Online youth service for 4/26/2020.